About Us

ABOUT P365 Fitness

Strength comes in many forms, and our goal is to help you find yours.  P365 Fitness was conceived on the idea of helping others become better, strong, faster.  Our equipment is best-in-class, and our staff has over 50 years of fitness experience.  Our commitment, passion and dedication is solely focused on helping you establish and meet your fitness goals.

At P365 Fitness our goal is to give you results.  We can’t do it for you, but we can certainly show you the way and provide you with the proper equipment and workout plans to achieve your goals.  This is what makes P365 Fitness unique, and a perfect partner in your fitness journey.

Our Services include:

  • Cardio Equipment
  • Circuit Training Equipment
  • Kettle Bells
  • Free Weights
  • Dumbbells
  • Exercise Bands
  • Jump Ropes
  • Medicine Balls
  • Seminars on
    • Nutrition
    • Gaining Mass
    • Cutting (Getting leaner) for summer
    • HIT Training
    • And more!

Best in Class Equipment

We have the very best strength, cardio and circuit training equipment available, and staff members with over 50 years of experience to assist you with your fitness goals.

Hours of Operation:

P365 Fitness is a 7/24/365 day per year facility.  You may access the facility at any time, weekends, holidays – anytime!

Located on Market Street, the main thoroughfare through Paxton,  security is not a concern for late night training sessions.  Gym lights and TV’s remain on 24/7, and security cameras monitor all activity within the gym.

Why Choose Us?

Out goal at P365 Fitness is to help our fitness friend become better, strong, faster.  Our equipment is best-in-class, and our staff has over 50 years of fitness experience.  We have a very strong passion for what we do.  Our dedication is solely focused on you, to help you establish and meet your fitness goals.

At P365 Fitness we give you results!  From a better, leaner physique, improved cardio fitness and more energy, to an improved self-image.  We all want to look better and feel better.  Join our team and take the journey with us.  We are right there with you every step of the way.

Strength Training 95%
Body Building 45%
Cardio 80%